Company Overview

“Enterprising Indian” is an organization created to provide live and strong support systems for organizations to perform smarter and grow faster in any competitive business environment. Be it start-up ventures, aspiring entrepreneurs, SMEs, MSMEs or large corporate houses, you may reach out to us to develop and sustain performing organizations by collaborating with some of the most talented and innovative minds in the profession, across business areas, hierarchies, levels and functions. Our strategies, backed by ingenuity and years of sound experience are sure shots to business success.

Who We Are

An endeavour to facilitate young entrepreneurs, small and medium size companies, as well as the corporate houses, with a solid business strategy and an extensive network.

What We Do

Management’s capacity building and solutions support for optimum production capacity utilization.

How We Do

Expert solutions are available for El members and Best platform for networking with like-minded people

Our Great Minds

Be part of Enterprising Indian. Our people are fully qualified with marketing, Strategy, idea, involvement and problem-solving capability.


Mr. Vijay Chauhan

Director (Pharma) at Thing pharma CRO Ltd

Dr. Mahima Bhatt

Cosmetology & Cosmetic Surgen

Mr. Mahesh Trivedi

Senior Editorial Positions with Times of India